Committed to Our Planet.

Our sustainable approach ensures minimal
environmental impact while maximizing quality.

Vue aérienne d'une rivière au canada

Environmental significance

The environmental impacts of land-based aquaculture and their impact on the consumer.
  • Land based aquaculture helps to prevent the emergence of microplastics.
  • Our approach ensures the conservation of natural environments since farming is conducted inside closed buildings with strict biosecurity protocols.
  • Land based aquaculture, when located near the markets, contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions since the salmon will now be raised closer to consumers.
  • In a world where the environment is an increasing concern, our approach aligns with the major principles of Quebec’s bio-food policy.

Energy use

Our technological choice is among the least energy-consuming land-based aquaculture systems. Additionally, our location in Quebec allows us to benefit from hydroelectric power, which is among the cleanest energy sources globally. We have also chosen to install over 38,000 square meters of solar panels on our building’s roof, generating up to 7 MW of electricity. The design of our energy management system will enable us to completely disconnect from the Hydro-Québec grid during winter peak periods. This corporate initiative further demonstrates our commitment to aligning with the priorities of the Quebec government.

Panneaux solaires
Vue du site de Samonix

Aerial view of Samonix’s site

Our impact on the river

We are proud to have chosen a technology that allows us to recirculate 99% of our process water. Consequently, our water consumption will be only 10% of what the former paper mill, now dismantled, consumed on the same site. Lower water consumption also means fewer discharges into the environment. Our greatest pride lies in the fact that our process respects all normal discharge limits into the river. We do not need to ask the Ministry of the Environment for any exceptions or special consideration, which aligns with a fundamental principle of our corporate values.

Our GHG Summary

Our collaboration with experts from Inno-Centre has enabled us to project the calculation of our impact in terms of greenhouse gases (GHG). This proactive approach demonstrates that our production process will generate fewer GHGs than the methods currently used to produce the salmon found on supermarket shelves. Furthermore, by replacing imports of salmon from Chile and Norway with our local production, we will avoid more than 70,000 tons of CO2 annually. Samonix embraces an eco-responsible and sustainable practice and offers a fresher product to its customers. Samonix embraces an eco-responsible and sustainable practice and offers a fresher product to its customers.

Vue du site de Samonix
Photo de la rivière des Outaouais.

View of the Ottawa river from Samonix’s site

Cleanliness and traceability

Our advanced filtration and oxygenation processes guarantee a renewal of pure water, completely free of pollutants such as plastic and diseases. Ensuring the total biosecurity of the environment of our salmon, our farming technology allows us to assist their growth from egg to plate. Increased monitoring is maintained throughout the processing period, in order to preserve the quality of clean, pollutant-free water at all times.

We partnered with the best
locals to bring you

The most superior fresh seafood


You have to focus on important things, but

The difference
lies in Detail

Fishery can mean either the enterprise of raising or harvesting fish and other aquatic life; or more commonly, the site where such enterprise takes place. Commercial fisheries include wild fisheries and fish farms, both in freshwater bodies and the oceans .
About 500 million people worldwide are economically dependent on fisheries. 171 million tonnes of fish were produced in 2021, but overfishing is an increasing problem, causing declines in some populations.

Private Label

Private Labeling is our specialty and focus.

sustainable seafood

Responsibility of providing customers with sustainable seafood products

a long tradition

Four generations of expertise, Fishery Inc. remains 100% family-owned to this day.

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